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My little boy is growing up...sniff |
In February, most people celebrate Valentines Day. I know we do in our household, but it's definitely NOT the most important date we celebrate...the MOST important date to us is our oldest son's birthday! Normally the LAST day in the month, with exception to a leap year. I can't believe that it was 11 years ago that he was born into this world. I remember the feelings I had when I found out I was pregnant...what a rush of emotions. I had been told previously that it was going to be a little more difficult for me to conceive due to some internal "girl problems". But God had other plans. After finding out I was going to be a mom, I often wondered if I could be a great one~not just a "good" one, being that I didn't have a mother growing up. And if I could really handle the responsibility. From day 1, being Thomas' mom has not let me down. He was born in 4 hours (wow! it went FAST! No complications or complaints here) and he was a perfect baby! I really couldn't have asked for an easier child for my first born. From the very beginning he has always been very bright. His father and I taught him sign language for a few words, so he was able to communicate at a very early age. And once he started talking, there was NO stopping him. He is still that way to this day! (not sure where he get's THAT from! LOL!) Thomas was reading before kindergarten, and still continues to read way above his grade level. I am so delighted to share a favorite hobby of mine with him. I'd like to think he got his reading skills from me! ;) We have always been big readers at our house, and what better gift for him than a Kindle for this special occasion? Happy Birthday Thomas I hope you like it! I am so proud of his achievements at school. He has been on Honor Roll every single time! Something I only accomplished once, that's right ONCE in my life!
Anyways, with his birth, my love of photography was birthed in me. He was my first subject to photograph and he was always willing to be in front of the lens. Today, it takes some bribing, pulling out of hair, and a few wrinkles of the nose in order to get him to let me photograph him...LOL! But I know both of us will be happy years down the road that we documented his growth... As soon as I got my first camera, I had found a passion that was deep down inside me, just waiting to grow into something bigger. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go to school at the time to learn more, but I continued to tinker around with my camera and learned little by little. Fast forward to a couple of years ago...I was able to take a correspondence course and learn more about my passion. And here I am today, capturing life's fleeting moments for my clients. I couldn't have asked for a better career path for myself. I am constantly learning and growing and always looking to improve to the next level.
Being a photographer is the best job in the world BECAUSE, you have
the power to be of service to others. It may sound corny, but it’s true.
The service aspect of our profession is often ignored. But it shouldn’t
be. In all the talk of post processing, digital cameras, worfflow,
etc., we need to remember that all that stuff comes second to this – service.
If we are of service to others, we will be successful, and that success
will bring us the usual trappings thereof. But chase the success, and
you’ll be lonely forever. Chase the opportunity to be of service, and you’ll always be rich.
Thank you Thomas, for coming into my life, and birthing a love of photography in me and teaching me that important life lesson, as well as many others I have learned by being your mom...I love you bubby! Happy Birthday!